(Gisela and Estela)

In: Hello, can we ask you some questions abaut Barcelona please? It's for a school project, do you mind if I record it? Just the audio.

1)Is this your fist time to visit Barcelona? No, I've been here 1 year ago, I visited with my family for 2 weecs.  
2)What do you think of Barcelona? I think of Barcelona is a vibrant city with lost of different culture cominy together I love the architecture.
3)What do you like most abaut Barcelona? What I like most about Barcelona is the joy  to go the beach, for example Barceloneta and you can sit and enjoy sangria and tapas.
4) What do you like least about Barcelona? The smell, specially in the gottic area, Rambla, Las Ramblas, Gracia. It smells like sour. sewage but I understand and then what is the dogs that pee and poop.
- Okey thanks , your welcome.

In: Hello i  can ask you questions about Barcelona please? Be about a project of the school i can record you by audio note.

1)What is your favorite place in Barcelona? My favorite place is las Ramblas
2)What monument do you like most about Barcelona? My favorite monument is la Sagrada Familia

-Thanks,your welcome.


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